Golog Project
The Golog project is relatively big project we made for our customer Golog. The Golog project aims at capturing error Internet Users make when they surf the net, qualify those errors and redirect the Users to a web site related to they original request.
Technologies involved
A python Corba / XML-RPC Server
This component acts at the Redirecting Engine. It receives the original http request by the means of its Corba or XML-RPC interface, it processes it in order to find the best matching redirection by matching it with the keywords entered in the database. It also insures Accounting of the requests done.
In a first step, we choosed Corba technology because it was necessary to have an efficient transport protocal usable from C/C++. We choosed Python for the programming language for it's ease of implementation.
The Administration J2EE application
A JEE web application allows Golog staff to enter information on Customers and Keywords to be processed by the Redirecting Engine.
This web application is based on Struts and Hibernate.